*WARNING* this is a long blog... |
Just for fun! |
These photos are from Down Thomas, UK (not Seattle!) |
I have always been challenged by the story
of that guy who came to Jesus and said I will follow you when I have buried my
Father (Luke 9:57-62) and Jesus says you can’t put your hand to the plough and
then look back. I can easily identify one of my treasures as my family. They
are a blessing from God but there is still a temptation to put them and their
desires before God. I have struggled, particularly over the last few years
while my sister divorced her husband, to trust God with my family. I think it
is often easier to be more cavalier with ourselves than accept that our loved
ones might get hurt. I knew time abroad would mean ‘giving up’ my family for a
while so it was with the heavy heart of a disciple a little torn that I took a
step to follow where God called, a step out from my comfort zone and into God’s
possibilities. I went into work and started to discuss where I might go in the
world with my supervisors. My attitude was to push the door and see if it opened...
After what I was sure was a shocking
interview I found out in late February that I was a Fulbright finalist but shortly
afterwards I also found out I had an interview for the Diabetes UK four year
project. I had a weekend to decide whether to accept the Fulbright funding or
go for the DUK funding which I might not get. At that point I could have pulled
out of having horrible scary interviews and congratulated myself on a job well
done but that Sunday I really felt that I should continue with the DUK
interview process, that a yearlong Fulbright wasn’t enough. The next week I got
an e-mail explaining that they were aware of the Fulbright (both awards were
funded but DUK) and they offered me the opportunity to attend the second
interview too ‘so I knew all my options’ before making a decision about what to
do. My mind already made up to pursue the longer DUK funding I could easily
write back and say I would be coming. After all you don’t look a gift horse in
the mouth, and being given a shot at both of these awards without having to
choose between them was a large gift horse and not of the Trojan variety. I had
another London based Fulbright day on the Monday, my Birthday on the Tuesday,
and my Diabetes UK interview on the Friday. After some busy waiting I found out
Maundy Thursday that I had been offered the Diabetes UK award but that they
would like to combine it with the Fulbright award. So by the grace of God (and
the help of a lot of hard work preparing for interviews on science I previously
knew very little about, including a lot of help with practise interviews from
people at work) I was awarded three separate grants. I get to be a Fulbrighter
and also get to do the four year project we had designed and thanks to the EFSD
I have had six weeks of training in Seattle which would have been an amazing
opportunity all by itself.
You listen for the call of that still small
voice of God, you take a deep breath, you hear the first few steps of the plan
and you go for it. I am curious to see what God has planned for me in this
place (Seattle), I’m intrigued and excited. I have Christian curiosity. I find
it humbling that so many people have put their faith in me as a scientist, yes
it’s based on the ‘facts’ of a successful scientific start to date with a good
number of published papers, but it’s still a type of faith. As for my project,
science is always a step into the unknown, it requires a certain faith that
there is an answer out there that I can make some sense of. It requires a sense
of faith in oneself because it is an often unrewarding and certainly
unforgiving pursuit of what in any other sphere of life would be called
daydreams (plans loosely based on our current incomplete understanding of the
problem). So that is how I got to the place where I would be writing this blog;
a blog about Christian Faith and Scientific Curiosity and some of the fun I
things I get to do in Seattle but also the blog of a Curious Christian and a
Faithful Scientist. The two states are not mutually exclusive!