Sunday, 12 May 2013

Departures and Arrivals

The day finally came for me to pack my trunk and say goodbye to the circus. Desk at work tidy, suitcase packed (weighing in at exactly 23kg – my limit), house somewhat clear. I had a nice evening with Mum and Dad and got Skype working for them. I woke up this morning at about 6am because it was so sunny and I was worried I had overslept but at least I got to have a nice relaxed unrushed morning. Mum and I caught the Heathrow express and got to the airport in time for a coffee. A hug goodbye, a few tears, and it was time for security (which only took 10 mins). Terminal 5 is ok but has a distinct lack of Battenberg cake, which is a shame as I wanted to bring some over. I also got to the gate too early really. We departed Heathrow at 4pm (the flight was supposed to be at 3pm) but at least from there it went smoothly. I was sat in seat 36G on whatever model I was flying on. I recommend it. Just behind business class and in front of the kitchen. Next to the toilet but because there was no one behind I had guilt free seat tilt and could put my bag under my seat (not the one in front) so I still had leg room. I watched ‘Quartet’ and ‘Hansel and Gretel’ for my in flight entertainment, and read Mimi’s thesis introduction and my guidebook. I also slept a couple of hours. On arrival we queued to get through immigration. We had a nice border official – he was actually cheerful and chatty! Despite the fact I almost died of shock they let me in and I was reunited with my intact luggage (always a relief to see an undamaged suitcase on the conveyor). I eventually met up with Laurie at the airport after a little bit of a false start (we were waiting for each other in different places). Had a nice meal and unpacked. It is now 6am GMT or 10pm Seattle time (I would have been up for 24hrs without the few hours of sleep on the plane). My laptop won’t connect to the wireless yet (what a surprise) but I can post this from Laurie and John’s computer. Time most assuredly for bed... looking forward to the next few weeks meeting Seattleites and getting over jet lag (which I’ll blame for any typos)!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Anna, glad you are there safe and sound! Just thought I'd try to be the first to comment on your lovely blog, now all the way from Seattle!! Needless to say, I have been watching the space - your blog - very eagerly , as it provides the much needed distraction to my snail-paced writing!!! Also, I thought you might welcome a little note from this side of atlantic ocean!! Weather over here had been very typical! so you are not missing much! I hope you will get wifi set up soon on your laptop! and many other life necessities as one does when abroad! have a good sleep and lovely day!
    love, m x
