My new lounge |
My new bedroom |
Well welcome back to the blog. After a lot of hard work (and help from my lovely sister) I managed to get my flat cleared and tidy (well at least I think it's tidy!). I haven't got a renter yet but we'll see how that goes. I left my house at about 8pm on Thursday the 1st of August by taxi, then to Mum and Dad's by train for an overnight stay. Saturday Mum and Me trained and bused to Heathrow, security took about 15 minutes which gave me plenty of time to sit in terminal 5. On the plane I didn't sleep at all so I managed to watch no less than four films ('Oblivion', 'The Big Wedding', 'Iron Man 3', 'The Bling Ring'); this was not my original plan and from it you can deduce my appalling movie taste! We arrived in Seattle at 5pm and having situated myself at the rear of the plane I was pretty much the last through immigration, but the good news is he stamped my passport! After collecting my two 23kg (51lb) suitcases (you've got to love BA) and with my 15kg hand luggage loaded on the cart I was ready to meet the person I am lodging with... it would have gone a little smoother if I could tell the difference between arrivals and departures but regardless I finally got back to my new home at 7:30pm and was cooked a lovely meal. I had, at last, arrived!
Working back from church |
Saturday I breakfasted on apple pancakes and we took a driving tour of the neighbourhood including dropping into the local grocery store for essentials (such as tea and milk). There may have also been a sneaky nap on Saturday afternoon but luckily Lois woke me up at 6pm before I could completely ruin my sleep pattern. We took a quick walking tour of the surrounding neighbourhood (see photos) and then to bed!
I plan to do some initial church hunting over the summer then do another tour in the autumn when everyone is back to full strength. Last Sunday I managed to get myself to a local United Methodist church. The people were lovely and fed me cake! They have a lady pastor who may have a second calling as a comic mime artist because her facial expressions were just a joy to behold. The subject of her sermon was disagreements in the church (based on Acts 15 to 16:5) and I thought she did a good job, in any case she ended with Wesley's 39th Sermon on 2 Kings 10:15 (see a few quotes below) which is fab (at least I think so)!
"If it be, give me thy hand." I do not mean, "Be of my opinion." You need not: I do not expect or desire it. Neither do I mean, "I will be of your opinion." I cannot, it does not depend on my choice: I can no more think, than I can see or hear, as I will. Keep you your opinion; I mine; and that as steadily as ever. You need not even endeavour to come over to me, or bring me over to you. I do not desire you to dispute those points, or to hear or speak one word concerning them. Let all opinions alone on one side and the other: only "give me thine hand."
"I mean, Secondly, commend me to God in all thy prayers; wrestle with him in my behalf, that he would speedily correct what he sees amiss, and supply what is wanting in me. In thy nearest access to the throne of grace, beg of him who is then very present with thee, that my heart may be more as thy heart, more right both toward God and toward man; that I may have a fuller conviction of things not seen, and a stronger view of the love of God in Christ Jesus; may more steadily walk by faith, not by sight; and more earnestly grasp eternal life. Pray that the love of God and of all mankind may be more largely poured into my heart; that I may be more fervent and active in doing the will of my Father which is in heaven, more zealous of good works, and more careful to abstain from all appearance of evil."
"I mean, Thirdly, provoke me to love and to good works. Second thy prayer, as thou hast opportunity, by speaking to me, in love, whatsoever thou believest to be for my soul's health. Quicken me in the work which God has given me to do, and instruct me how to do it more perfectly."
Sunday afternoon we went to the library and signed me up. In the afternoon I had a lovely walk. The area I am living in is safe to walk around and it even has sidewalks along most of the roads! Sunday afternoon I took a walk around the old naval base which has been turned into community buildings/gyms/housing... In the same area some bits of reclaimed lands are now being unclaimed and turned back into marsh providing every one with some pleasant areas to walk around (Magnuson park).
One of the ponds in the swamp area |
Queen Anne's Lace (ish) with a black spot in it |
An area that has only just been replanted and marshified this year |
Lake Washington |
Mt Rainier is in the background (honest!) |
Monday morning I began work. I'm so glad of my previous visit because there was a sense of coming home, or at least coming back to the familiar. Getting up at 6am again with the hour commute hasn't been so much fun but at least it gets me to work early. I have repeated one of my previous flow experiments and haven't completely forgotten what I'm doing but I'm still finding my feet really! That completes my first week and I think it's about time to wrap up this blog entry too!
Ribena at $12 a bottle |
Baked beans at $3.49 per can |
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