Friday, 20 March 2015

Another Season of A to Z at the zoo

I went to the zoo on March 8th and I saw;

The apes watching the apes. 
The apes on the other side of the glass were having a lot of fun with some bows of forsythia, unfortunately this was quite entertaining so the adult apes in front of the window stood in the way until the show was over. Turns out I actually need an x-ray camera, super zoom can not see through opaque people. 
Watching the Apes

Bats bowing up beneath broad bright beams

Cute Kangaroos cuddling

Dawdling ducks

An elegant (Steller's Sea) eagle 

A frolicking furry feline (snow leopard)

His tails "soooo fluffy I think I could die"
A gambolling (mountain) goat 

A harmonious homely habitat (for the bears)

I am bear...

A King Just layin' around (I was out of ideas for J!)

Kookaburras sitting quietly

A limber lemur lurking for lunch

A Meerkat musing

A naive Nuttall's Cottontail
A little gentle searching on Google taught me that European and American rabbits are viewed as separate genera and only american rabbits are cottontails. This little guy was entertaining the children whilst the bear walked off to hide out of sight. There was a moat separating the bear and the bunny, so the bunny was safe. 

Ornithological omissions 
(I can't figure out what the birds in the photo are, 
I only know they were in the rainforest building)

A proud Pumbaa pig playing with a package

Quaint quirky Carousel

Ravishing ring-fenced Ramphastos toco

A sunlit scruffy squirrel 

Two temper-torn Toucans (green aracaris)

An uninterested ursus undulating uphill (bye bye bear!)

A (weather) Vane (Okay I know that is torturous)

A white wolf wallowing with forty winks

 A Xerophilic, uncovered and unaquatic, Ungulate 
(again! - these are the most dry-loving hippos ever)
(spot the phrase I was going to use for 'u')

Yellow Discus Fish

Zoo (as you can tell by some of the more tenuous 
references it almost killed me getting this far!)

OK so I did get one half decent gorilla image

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